Friday, January 18, 2008

Our kitty playground adventure

The drive though Texas was pretty much filled with nothingness except for our newly found family of cats in some random, rundown playground. We hadn’t got out of the car in quite a while and we ran into this really small town somewhere in western Texas. We decided to get out and stretch it up, and as we were this little cat peaked it head out from behind a BBQ pit. So, being the animal lovers we are, we go take a stroll over. The best part was the closer we got to this picnic area the more heads started popping out. There had to have been at least 10 cats that we saw all huddled together. The only thing food wise we could offer were the last of our crumbled cool ranch doritos. Emotionally though, we offered them a free ride west-unfortunately no takers. So after the feeding frenzy we booked it to Roswell, NM

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