Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Sandia Peak

We woke up from our night out and had the whole day to do whatever we wanted. Why not go to the world’s longest passenger aerial tramway? This place was intense. There is almost an 11,000-foot summit and you are able to see from miles around. Looking over the summit you could see as far northeast as Santa Fe and northwest to Los Alamos. Once we got to the top it was interesting to see the other side of the mountain was used as a full-fledged ski resort. At the peak there are observation stations as well as a full restaurant/bar area. The tour guide was sure to announce to everyone that once we got up there that one alcoholic drink would equal at least four drinks due to the high elevation. So, B.B. went to go try out his theory, and low and behold, the guide was correct. I even called my parents from the peak and it was pretty difficult to catch my breath. The cold temperature definitely put a damper on our exploring circumstances, but still an incredible day trip.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you didn't call me, your own sister, when you were up there :-(
